The Attadale Primary School office uses AUDIRI (formerly SKOOLBAG), a parent App, as an information tool, which also allows you to notify us of absences, change of details and submit permission slips for excursions and incursions electronically.
STEP 1 – Install the APP
Install the App on your iPhone, android device, Ipad or even your home computer by searching for Audiri
Install the app from the Apple Store or Google Play and then choose Attadale Primary as your school.

STEP 2 – Explore what you can do
You will be able to use your APP to notify the office of a child’s absence, update your address or email details and even sign and submit electronic permission slips for excursions. Listed below are some of the things you will be able to do with your new APS AUDIRI App.
Send Absentees notifications
Electronic submission of permission slips
Read newsletters
Update change of contact details
Check out the latest P&C events (and order online tickets)
Online Canteen access for lunch orders
Uniform Shop order forms
Please contact the front office if you have any questions about the installation or the use of the Audiri App on 6274 1700.